I got sent to The Room again...


The Room 2 has been released.

Remember that game by Fireproof Games I played last October. Where you're in a room. With a box. YEEAAHHH, that one!! WELL ITS GOOD SO PLAY IT!

They have done quite a lot to it. Now your not just looking at one box in each room. Now you can actually look around the WHOLE room!! How exciting, aye! This isn't sarcasm. Honest. No really. In my opinion, this makes the game better than the first one. This is because it gives the player variety. Being able to switch your focus from something your getting frustrated with or been staring at for an extended amount of time can help them enjoy the game more. I also felt a little more immersed in the exploration because of this.

One thing I got really interested, was the use of perspectives and using the camera view to create symbols from lines in the environment. They experimented with this in the first game a little mainly on smaller puzzles. Now they have fleshed out the idea and used it in few different ways. The most used is what they use as the key to reach new rooms. Its an arrangement of several crystal like lines that float on in
the middle of the screen. The player just then move the camera angle to create a specific symbol. As the rooms go on they add more of the lines to make it trickier to find the right arrangement. They also change this challenge up a little at the end. They do this by making the movement of two sliders the way to adjust the crystals and not the camera view.

The other way they use this mechanic in the game is to arrange a few lines to
create doorways on walls to progress to an item needed in another puzzle. This really caught my attention as it was a similar idea that I had had for a test I haven't created yet.

The only thing I didn't like was that it felt a little too easy. I felt I was being guided too much by 'cut-scene like' flashes and places some things were placed. However, I think I was being a little be nit-picky about it. This could have been because I have gotten used to certain ways of hinting in games similar to this and my familiarity with the previous game. I might try to find if this could be true by testing it with someone that hasn't played the game before.


And I will build my version of the doorway puzzle.

See you soon. :)



Experiment Number 2 - Symbol Alignment - Fail 1